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Utility command overview


Lets the bot join a specific chat.
If the optional parameter username is specified, you need to make sure to be mod or broadcaster (if it is your own chat) in this chat.
If you aren't mod or broadcaster in this chat, you need to have bot admin/owner permissions to let the bot join there. (based on the sentence above)

Usage: <prefix>join @username?
Parameter Description
prefix Your channel specific prefix (Default: #)
username The name of the user (Optional, Case-Insensitive, Can contain the @ character)

Possible errors

  • If username is specified: Username specified, where sender isn't even a mod or broadcaster at, without having admin/owner permissions
  • If username is specified: Username doesn't match with regex ^(?!_)\w+$
  • If username is specified: User not found by Twitch API
  • Chat already joined

Lets the bot leave from a specific chat.
If the optional parameter username is specified, you need to make sure to be mod or broadcaster (if it is your own chat) in this chat.
If you aren't mod or broadcaster in this chat, you need to have bot admin/owner permissions to let the bot part from there. (based on the sentence above)

Usage: <prefix>part @username?
Parameter Description
prefix Your channel specific prefix (Default: #)
username The name of the user (Optional, Case-Insensitive, Can contain the @ character)

Possible errors

  • If username is specified: Username specified, where sender isn't even a mod or broadcaster at, without having admin/owner permissions
  • If username is specified: Username does match with an owner name or ApuJar
  • Bot not connected to chat

Any problems? Join our Discord server or send me a dm on Twitch (BlockyDotJar -> 755628467).